Monday, February 23, 2015

Beginning A New

             Some people might not understand that there's pressure and stress  on many teenagers a lot these days. They have school stress from work and tests and family drama that many don't wanna talk about and if they are in a sport they have to stress about working out and doing their best in that sport. They all have to balance these things and have to give their 100% for each one. I'm one who understands this problem because alittle over a year ago I had found my sister had cancer and I was starting softball and worrying about tests and homework that were coming up. We had found she had a mutant gene that was in her that would cause Chemo to only do so much work. The best chance for her was a bone marrow transplant and the donor would either have to come from family or from a random donor. To check if any family members had her DNA and was able to donate me and my brother both had to swab our mouths and hand the results in. My brother was called first and found he wasn't the possible donor but then I was called and found I was the perfect donor for her since my DNA was 99% the same as hers.
   I was happy but nervous to be knocked out since I never had to do it before. I was afraid if I went under something would go wrong since they need to stick a needle into my hip bone to extract the marrow but when it all happened and I finally woke up all I felt was tired and sore. I was able to stay home for an extra day since I had the transplant on my hips and they wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong after the operation. But when I got back to school it wasn't easy getting back on track with homework. Either I got the work with no one to explain it or a teacher would say I wasn't there so I don't deserve the work which ended up lowering my grade. It's didn't help either that I had to sit out of open gym for softball. It was my first year playing and I needed all the training I could get. Thankfully my coaches understood and finally I was able to higher my grade after missing two days and was able to jump into softball when I knew I could handle it.
    But this all happened for a reason and today now that I gave my sister the bonemarrow she is finally cancer free. This goes to show teens do have stress pushed on them a lot. Even when you think they are handling it well there's still a time where they need a break. You never know what they do personally and what could be going on in their life.

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