Friday, March 27, 2015


Crushes. We all had one and sometimes they pay off and other times nothing truly happens. When you crush on someone there's always the doubt it will happen but there's always that small chance it will happen. Now if you guys are friends it's easier to figure how what the other is thinking but if it's a new person there's always that nervous feeling of not knowing what to do. You wanna talk to them but at the same time you don't know what to say.

I have that problem now and I can for sure say it's not fun. We both make eye contact with eachother and we always catch eachother looking at eachother but we haven't gotten the nerve to message eachother. When you say this to your friends they tell you to go right ahead and say something but the large part of you is thinking the worst and  it scares the hell out of you. 

Your friends make it seem like going up to the guy or girl is so easy but at the same time they don't know what's going through your head. They never know maybe last time you had a crush the crush didn't like you or you just get nervous around new people. Me personally I need a friend around atleast that sorta knows the dude. It's to help me feel better and plus keep the convo going since your friend knows some things about him.  

I find this guy attractive cause well he just is. I always like a dude who can play a sport and its a plus that he plays a sport im into. I like dudes who either play Football and baseball. It's a reason I play softball cause I love watching baseball and going to the games with my dad or family. I also would think it would be cute to have a softball-football relationship or a softball-baseball relationship. To me the relationships are cute as hell.

The main thing I need to do though is to just get up and talk to the dude and I'm even having dreams of me doing that. I guess it's a sign I'll have to make the first move. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

State Game

A few days ago our school found out our basketball team had placed in the state game down in Madison today. It's been almost 70 years since that's happened for West Allis Central and I'm proud iv been here to see it happen. Now we haven't won state yet, the game to see if we can go to the final game is tonight and if they win they are just one game away from winning the Golden Ball for our school.

Yesterday during the pep rally we had tv reporters come and film us and watch the boys leave for Madison. I have to say it was quite interesting since the team had a police escort to Madison which was great. It showed we meant business and plus if I had a police escort Id feel pretty cool myself. The coach bus they went off in wasn't one I was expecting but I guess the school had a lot of surprises. The bus was custume made and looked awesome compared to the normal coach busses iv seen before.
They were selling tickets for students to go to the two games today and Saturday if they won which cost 20 bucks which isn't bad for a ride there and back. If they lost though then the kids would get there ten bucks back which is nice. I just would have thought they would have put a shirt in the mix but they are selling the shirts separate for 10 bucks but I guess it's a way to pay off the bus and the price to make the shirts. For ten bucks and how well the shirt looks I guess it wasn't that bad though. I'm not going to the game but I know many Central kids are going and I know they will show great respect and spirit for the team. 

I just wanna say congrats to my West Allis Central basketball Bulldogs

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Highschool Sucks

Now I know iv been gone for awhile but it's all mainly from the work and stress that had been placed on me. With projects and homework and tests to study for it wasn't easy and now add on softball practice that lasts for 3 hours doesn't help in the mix. Us kids just by joining one sport can cause much stress but think about all your work and one school sport and then go into a League that's not part of your school that practices at 6 when your sport for school just ends. It kinda can get pretty stressful. But of course there will always be more drama and stress to come in High school and not just from schoolwork, it's comes from friends, boyfriends, exs and just big drama queens.  High school life will always suck but hey it's only 4 years and all but many things can happen in that short amount of time. Heartbreak and drama. Hard work and success. But there will also be failure but all you can do is pick yourself up and push it aside. Like many people say, you just gotta get back up on the horse.

Now I know there are people have it worse then me but with all these things I'm doing its kinda hard to do them since I don't have a drivers license and I don't have a car to get myself around. I have to hope and pray my parents have time to take me to these places or I'm kinda screwed.

I'm in softball and and I joined a trapshooting league. Two things I enjoy but together they cost a lot of money. Softball gear and then add in me going into a different sport that cost a lot of money since you have to but vests and glasses and the shells and clays. I know sooner or later I'll have to get a job to help pay but the job I applied for isnt hiring yet cause there's no part-time jobs open yet there so I don't know how long I'll have to wait. But if I get a job I'll have to choose, softball or trapshooting. I can't do both and have a job and worry about school. I'll be taking an advance class next year. I need all the time I can get to do work, shoot and school projects and homework.

Sometimes school takes the fun of things away and as that fun is taken away stress builds up from many different things. Most of them revolve around the school day or whatever. Us teens are told to only get high grades and to worry about school. But worrying about school takes away from the fun things we wanna do. Like sports which helps with colleges and maybe work depending on your career. The school just seem to push that aside which sucks cause we are on our own when it comes to that. We gotta figure our own things out in life but when we are being judged and punished for something's it makes life harder.