Friday, February 27, 2015

Blood Drive

   Today at my school they are doing a blood drive any anyone who was 16 and over was able to sign up and donate. Well I did and today is the day it all happens. Now I'm not afraid to give blood but the only problem I have is the needle first entering my skin and vein. There's always a slinging pain of some kind. Since the bone marrow transplant and having a little over 12 vials of blood taken from me and plus having to get another four or so vials taken cause I went to the doctors cause I was about to faint and thought I was anemic so they had to run blood tests.
   I don't mind sitting there plus its all for a good cause. It helps the student out to well because your able to get out of any class you want to since you get to chose the time to go in. I choose mine for 4th hour which means I would be going in around the end of the class, my time is Noon which isn't bad since I would have eaten before it which is a good thing cause I ain't about to pass out when I get my blood drawn and everything. But as I'm told you get juice and a cookie after so that's a plus. Who wouldn't want a cookie. Cookies are awesome.
    I'm just hoping the whole day is just relaxing and calm. Minus the fact I have a stupid quiz in Chemistry which no one understands. We were only taught it twice then he moves onto another part for one day then expects us to be able to test well on it. Like dude. Come on at least give us more then a worksheet and expect us to catch on real quick. I may be smart but I ain't that smart.
      Now after the blood drive nothing major. Sure I was a little out of it but other then that I was fine. My arm is still sore but I figured that would be what happened after anyways. Either way it wasn't bad Id probably do it again if nothing spots me from doing it at least.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Stress of School/People

     It's the time of the year at my school when we get to pick the classes we want for the next year. This is always a hard or stress time since you have to pick all the right classes for your future.  You gotta take into consideration if you wanna go to college and if you do you have to think about the class that will help with that job or career. What doesn't help with this stress is people who don't know how to shut their mouth when it's needed. Today in English I had two girls sitting across from me who didn't know how to shut up. It was a reading day in English and we all were reading our books but they weren't. All they were doing is talking and making no sense. Now the book I picked to read I love and can get into it easy but with them talking and laughing and just being stupid I couldn't focus on the book at all. I could even tell the teacher was getting annoyed with them and so was the whole class.
    Today had just been a very stressful day and a day I couldn't stand anyone trying to be slick around me. Ever since the morning I knew I wasn't gonna be in a good mood at all and I guess some people just don't get the idea of that sometimes. Mainly when your this stressed out you can barely get any work down and it doesn't help when you are so stressed you don't understand something you need to when you have a test on it the next day. I guess the best thing to do when this happens is just either let it out or just stay silent cause some times it's good to let the stuff out but other times it's not needed and could cause even more stress if you say one things wrong.  Just do you and when you get home curl up have some food and watch something that can distract you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Boring Days and Lady Problems

     The days I truly hate are the ones when you have to get up like for school or something and all that day is full of is nothing. Straight up just boring crap. Sure it's school and the stuffs always boring but there's always some interesting or funny stuff that can happen at school.
     Now girls will understand this but when it comes for that time of the month stuff just doesn't make up happy. Unless it chocolate and food but we just don't wanna withstand anything. School is even more annoying and add on we gotta deal with moodswings and cramps. Here at school we have a swim class and have to swim for curtain gym classes and it's a pain when girls are on their period and can't or won't put a tampon in and they have to sit up and get marked down. It's a reason I picked a class without a gym course but even then I pray I get my monthly on a Friday so I can deal with the pain and all at home and curled in my bed watching movies. Nothing really catches our attention and me personally I don't wanna deal with school when it's twice as boring and in almost every class it's a worksheet or it's just straight up a project that's not fun at all. Days like this suck and you know it's a boring day when the only fun thing was a fire alarm.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Interesting Day

   Ever have those days where you just wanted to look nice and change your look up alittle to see how things went. Ya. I'm having that day today. I decided to finally put my hair up in a pony tail and curl the ends. I always had a fear if I had my hair up no one would think I was cute but today I was gonna face that fear. I came to school and many people stared and smiled. Some would check me out like a girl did when I was at my locker or they came up to me and say my hair looked nice. It felt great to hear this from people it just goes to say changing things up alittle doesn't always hurt. The funniest part was when I walked past my exs new girlfriend and all she can do is stare at me as I passed by. I couldn't stop smiling when she kept staring cause well would anyone really that is unless they have a problem with the girl.
   I'm glad I did my hair different and dress cute cause it makes me feel pretty and isn't that what we all should feel like? The only problem I have is by the end of the day my make up gets messed up so it's like I don't look the same as I did in the morning but to me I dont really care since its gym and well I'm going home in like 40 minutes so it doesn't matter. Only annoying part about gym is that I also have an ex in that class. It's not fun when you turn and then you make eye contact from a distance. I mainly feel like it because we steal his groups frisbee since everyone loses them over the bleachers so we get the last one. All I can say is that today was an interesting day. Kinda like something changed and kinda went my way alittle. Probably just over thinking it but hey I can say that today was great. It was finally warmer out even if it was in the 30s and I tried something new with my look.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Beginning A New

             Some people might not understand that there's pressure and stress  on many teenagers a lot these days. They have school stress from work and tests and family drama that many don't wanna talk about and if they are in a sport they have to stress about working out and doing their best in that sport. They all have to balance these things and have to give their 100% for each one. I'm one who understands this problem because alittle over a year ago I had found my sister had cancer and I was starting softball and worrying about tests and homework that were coming up. We had found she had a mutant gene that was in her that would cause Chemo to only do so much work. The best chance for her was a bone marrow transplant and the donor would either have to come from family or from a random donor. To check if any family members had her DNA and was able to donate me and my brother both had to swab our mouths and hand the results in. My brother was called first and found he wasn't the possible donor but then I was called and found I was the perfect donor for her since my DNA was 99% the same as hers.
   I was happy but nervous to be knocked out since I never had to do it before. I was afraid if I went under something would go wrong since they need to stick a needle into my hip bone to extract the marrow but when it all happened and I finally woke up all I felt was tired and sore. I was able to stay home for an extra day since I had the transplant on my hips and they wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong after the operation. But when I got back to school it wasn't easy getting back on track with homework. Either I got the work with no one to explain it or a teacher would say I wasn't there so I don't deserve the work which ended up lowering my grade. It's didn't help either that I had to sit out of open gym for softball. It was my first year playing and I needed all the training I could get. Thankfully my coaches understood and finally I was able to higher my grade after missing two days and was able to jump into softball when I knew I could handle it.
    But this all happened for a reason and today now that I gave my sister the bonemarrow she is finally cancer free. This goes to show teens do have stress pushed on them a lot. Even when you think they are handling it well there's still a time where they need a break. You never know what they do personally and what could be going on in their life.